About the author

Porträt des luxemburgischen Schriftstellers Romain Butti

In his texts, Romain Butti deals with the themes of isolation, being on the move, alienation and the search for belonging between the immensity of nature and the anonymity of the big city. 

Romain Butti studied German Linguistics and Literature and English and American Studies at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität in Freiburg im Breisgau before living in Berlin and New Zealand for several years. Today, the writer works in Luxembourg.

The play "Fir wann ech net méi kann" was awarded first prize at the Concours littéraire national in Luxembourg.


Ein Jahr in Berlin

An aspiring writer moves to Berlin to help a celebrated gallery owner write her memoirs. During his stay, the protagonist is confronted with a search for home, affection and identity characterised by fears and daydreams. In order to escape the coldness and anonymity of the big city, the protagonist embarks on a fatal love affair that gradually takes him away from his surroundings and into the obscurity of a transfigured natural scenery.

"Butti plays [...] with the anonymity of the big city, with the feeling of loneliness among millions, with the reconstruction of experiences. [...] A small literary experiment" - Isabel Spigarelli (woxx)

Fir wann ech net méi kann

After a long and arduous journey, a young man returns home. He finds it difficult to reconnect and pick up where he left off. Neither his partner, who has been waiting for him, nor his grandmother, with whom he has always maintained a special bond, provide him with the love and fulfillment he is looking for. He writes down his plans to free himself from his current situation in a notebook, "fir wann ech net méi kann" - for the moment when he is not able to function properly anymore.

“Romain Butti has an outstanding ability to create a dense, emotional atmosphere […] to transport the reader into a dimension between dream and reality. A wonderful literary piece” - Valerija Berdi (radio 100,7)

Erop / Un air perforé

What is it we can accomplish by waiting? Is it still worthwhile imagining our future, or committing ourselves to people? In this play, a man takes himself to a place where he reflects on these questions. He thinks back to his broken dreams, to the road trip that didn't happen with his distant partner who shows no signs of returning home.

The monodrama touches on many intimate moments and a love that proves challenging to express; those silent moments when you listen to yourself and begin to perceive your surroundings differently - right up to the moment when you can once again hold your loved one in your arms.

"a literary marvel" - Godefroy Gordet (Lëtzebuerger Land)


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